Singing Guide: Ariana Grande

Singing Guide: Ariana Grande

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

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Learning to Sing like Ariana Grande

Ariana Grande is one of the most popular and successful singers of her generation. Known for her powerful voice and high vocal range, Grande has a unique vocal technique that sets her apart from other singers. If you want to learn to sing like Ariana Grande, here are some tips to get you started:

Develop Your Head Voice

Ariana Grande is known for her ability to sing in her head voice, a technique that allows her to hit high notes with ease. To develop your head voice, start by doing vocal exercises that target your upper range. Singing scales and arpeggios will help you work on your breath control and pitch accuracy. Try using Singing Carrots' Pitch Training - Educational Singing Game to improve your head voice.

Focus on Breath Control

Grande's singing technique is based on her ability to use her breath effectively. To sing like her, you need to learn to control your breath and use it to support your voice. Start by doing breathing exercises like those provided by Singing Carrots - Vocal Pitch Monitor will give you instant feedback on your breath support.

Work on Your Vibrato

Ariana Grande's distinctive sound is in part due to her use of vibrato, which is the natural fluctuation of a note's pitch. Working on your vibrato will help you sound more like her. Try out some of the Singing Carrots vibrato exercises to improve your technique.

Focus on Articulation

Ariana Grande is known for her clear and precise articulation. To sing like her, you need to pay attention to your pronunciation and diction. Singing Carrots offers a great article on articulation and exercises such as the Finger Bite to help you work on your articulation skills.

Songs to Showcase Techniques

Some of Ariana Grande's most popular songs that showcase her unique vocal technique include:

  • "One Last Time" to show her use of head voice
  • "Dangerous Woman" to demonstrate her strong vibrato
  • "Problem" to show her precise articulation
  • "Into You" to showcase her breath control and power

Keep in mind that singing like Ariana Grande takes time and practice. Be sure to incorporate Singing Carrots' educational singing course as well as the provided articles and exercises on your journey to singing like her.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.